10 Ways to Give this Holiday Season

We are entering the season of giving and could not be more excited. The holiday season is a time for us to reconnect with loved ones and make memories. Most importantly, it brings us an opportunity to give back. 

To get you started, we've compiled a list of ten ways you can give back this season. This list is not exhaustive and we encourage you to think of your own ways to give back this holiday season!

  1. Pay for the person behind you in a drive thru

    Getting your order paid for at a drive thru is one of the best feelings! Don’t you agree? Usually, the person you pay for, pays for the person behind them which creates an amazing ripple effect! Kickstart this ripple effect by doing this small act of kindness!

  2.  Volunteer your time at an organization that is close to your heart

    Although we are facing a pandemic, there are still many, safe ways to volunteer your time. A lot of organizations are offering opportunities virtually!

    A great resource is visiting the Giving Tuesday website. Giving Tuesday is the national day of generosity and is happening on December 1st. Lots of organizations are looking for volunteers in different capacities and you can check out this list on their website! 

    Another website you can look at for opportunities is Propellus. They have a list of volunteer opportunities that are online, in-person and organized by category!

  3.  Support the Zebra Centre’s Hope’s Toy Closet 

    At the Zebra centre, we listen to courageous and brave kids. In order to celebrate their bravery, they get to pick out a toy from Hope’s Toy Closet. This toy closet is filled with various special toys that they can take home with them to remember just how courageous and brave they truly are!  
    By donating $100, you can help support this program and provide toys to children who deserve it. 

  4.   Tip your waitress/waiter extra 

    Working in the service industry through the pandemic has brought its own challenges. Why not pay it forward by giving a deserving waiter/waitress an extra tip? It is an easy way to show your appreciation for good service while brightening someone’s day.

  5. If you can’t donate, share the organization's posts especially the ones who are participating in Giving Tuesday

    Sometimes we can’t donate money but sharing any organization’s posts helps immensely! Especially during Giving Tuesday, lots of organizations are relying on everyone to share their posts to get the word out. One share can double or triple an organization’s reach! 

    The Zebra Centre is asking everyone to take a selfie and write why they give on our Zebra Giving Printout (click to see the handout.) This is one of the many ways you can engage with organizations this holiday season! 

  6.  Give a backpack home to a child by donating $50 to the Zebra Centre  

    Unfortunately, some children who visit the Zebra Centre do not have the necessities they need. The Zebra Centre gives these necessities to these children through the Backpack program so these kids get what they need! 

    These backpacks come equipped with items such as clothing, hygiene products and other necessities. 

    By donating $50 to the Zebra Centre, you give one child this opportunity. 

  7.  Compliment someone 

    A little compliment goes a long way and is extremely appreciated! Try complimenting your cashier, waitress or even someone random. 

  8. For your holiday gift, request for a donation to be in your name

    If you are a person who has everything or do not know what to ask for this year, this is a great way for you to give back!  You can also ask for canned food and donate it to the food bank. 

  9.  Support the Zebra Centre’s Court Prep Program

    The Zebra Centre has a Court Prep and Accompaniment Program that helps children and their families adequately prepare for court! This traumatic, scary experience is made a little bit easier through this program.

    By donating $500 to the Zebra Centre, you can help support this program that supports children and their families. 

  10. Shovel your neighbour’s sidewalk

    This is such a quick way to put a smile on your neighbour’s face! It is such a nice surprise to not have to shovel your walk on a cold day. Your neighbours will definitely appreciate this act of kindness!

That wraps up our list of ten ways to give this holiday season. We hope this list helped to give you inspiration on how you can give back this holiday. There is nothing more heartwarming or fulfilling than giving back. Stay safe and keep healthy! 

Zebra Centre