Canine Intervention Dog Fossey is Retiring!

Since 2013, Fossey has provided a warm cuddle and a reassuring presence to children and youth who come to the Zebra Centre. She has helped hundreds of children find the bravery to tell their story and provided the comfort to help them heal. In the next few weeks she will hang up her harness and trade it in for a full day of relaxing.

Facility dogs Wren and Fletcher will continue supporting children at the Zebra Child Protection Centre and in the Edmonton Law Courts.


Fossey's Replacement

With funding generously provided through Ladies on the Green, the Zebra Child Protection Centre's Very Important Paws (VIP) program will continue to support children in need.

Thanks to the support of Ladies on the Green attendees, sponsors, donors and committee members, the Zebra Centre will be able to secure a third facility dog to fill Fossey's big job.

Retirement Paw-ty

Fossey's two and four-legged friends and family sent her off in style this month. Her retirement party celebrated her 30+ (dog) years of service supporting victims, and her and her canine friends enjoyed cake and belly rubs.

You can watch the dogs enjoying the canine-friendly cake on our Facebook page.

StoriesZebra Centre