interviews Sketch Working Arts About Making a Difference for Child Abuse Survivors

Danielle Ribeiro from interviewed Zebra Centre as part of their ' Talks With...' podcast. This series is an antidote to negative news stories that aims to shed light on organizations and experts whose work is making a positive impact on the world.

Did you know that 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys will experience some form of abuse before the age of 18? These statistics are alarming and illustrate the urgent need for organizations to support and care for child abuse survivors. That's where Zebra Centre comes in. Our organization is committed to empowering children and families who have been affected by abuse and providing services that help them heal, grow, and thrive. In this article, Nadine Kereliuk talked about the services we offer, and how we are changing the lives of many children across Alberta.

Zebra Centre was established in 2002 as a child advocacy centre, serving Edmonton and its surrounding areas. The organization provides a holistic approach to child abuse by offering a wide range of services, such as child forensic interviews, counseling, medical exams, court preparation, and advocacy. Through these services, Zebra Centre aims to provide child abuse survivors and their families with the support they need to heal and move forward.

The centre's team of partners and professionals, including child protection workers, forensic interviewers, therapists, and medical examiners, are trained to address the unique needs of each family they work with. We use a child-centered approach, which means that every service is tailored to the individual needs of the child and their family. This approach ensures that the child's views and concerns are heard and that they feel comfortable and safe throughout the process.

Another important aspect of Zebra Centre's work is our commitment to prevention and education. We work with schools and other organizations to provide training on child abuse prevention and recognition, as well as educating the public on the impact of child abuse on individuals and communities. By raising awareness and educating others, Zebra Centre hopes to prevent child abuse from happening in the first place.

Zebra Centre is a non-profit organization that relies on community support to fund its operation. By making a donation, you can help ensure that the centre can continue to provide our essential services to children and families affected by abuse. You can also support Zebra Centre by attending our events, volunteering your time, or becoming an advocate for children's rights.

It is clear that the work of Zebra Centre is essential to supporting children and families affected by abuse. By providing a holistic approach to care and support, Zebra Centre is helping children heal and thrive. At the same time, we are raising awareness and advocating for children's rights, which is critical to preventing future cases of abuse. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of child abuse survivors and create a safer and more supportive community for everyone. is an organization aimed at solving the world’s most dire problem — global climate change. Starting in New Jersey, their mission is to take money from an otherwise harmful and greedy industry (online casinos) and move it towards a positive and good cause (solving the climate crisis). In addition to directly donating 100% of the revenue they earn in the casino industry, they also launch and manage fundraising campaigns to persuade casino entrepreneurs to donate. So far, they’ve generated over $2 million to climate research through their own donations and proceeds from their fundraising initiatives.

Nadine’s conversation with is available to listen on the following platforms: