Meet the Herd: Ricky

Meet one of our incredible herd members, Ricky! She shares all about her role as Child Advocate at our Centre, why she is proud to show her stripes and more!

Q: Tell us about your role as Child Advocate at the Zebra Centre

Ricky: My role at the Zebra Centre is a Child and Youth Advocate. As an advocate, I am responsible for making sure the kids feel heard and addressing any concerns they might have. This can include things like offering them resources for counselling, or something as simple as listening to their feelings about what happened to them. 

Q: What does a typical “day in the life” as Child Advocate look like?

Ricky: Usually, my day starts out by calling families to do regular check-ins, offer them resources, and provide them with updates on their files. Some phone calls can be difficult to hear as I offer emotional support to the families, however, at the end of the day, my job is to make sure that the families know that the Zebra Centre is always there for them. After making some calls, I provide additional support by helping with First Contacts and Court Preps. First Contacts are when the kiddos come in for their interview and Court Preps are meant for kiddos to have a general idea about court and what kinds of questions the lawyers might ask them. At the end of the day, I am there to ensure kiddos and their families know that the Zebra Centre will support them during these difficult times. 

Q: What do you love most about your role?

Ricky: The one thing I love most about my role is seeing the kiddos and families leave the centre with a smile on their face. The families and kiddos that come to our centre go through some unimaginable things and come into the centre not knowing what to expect. But when they leave the centre with a smile, it lets me know that I have done a good job since the families aren’t too stressed about going through the process alone. 

Q: What is your proudest moment at the Zebra Centre so far?

Ricky: It is hard to choose one proud moment I had at the Zebra Centre as I believe it is a privilege to work here, but if I had to choose my favourite, it would be when caregivers tell me that they appreciate Zebra is there to provide them with the support they need. When I make calls to families, I hear some of the most upsetting things, but when I offer emotional support and remind them that the Zebra Centre is there to support them, they tell me how much they appreciate it. Hearing these things, makes me a proud member of the Zebra Herd.

Q: What motivates you to show your stripes (your why)?

Ricky: One thing that motivates me to show my stripes is the fact that when I come in, I know I am supporting not just one kiddo but more than one. This can be by calling families to do regular check-ins, doing court preps, or supporting kiddos during their interview. Knowing that I can make the kiddos and their family’s day by showing up to work and saying reassuring things to them, motivates me to show my stripes. 

Q: Lastly, share a surprising or fun fact about you. 

Ricky: One surprising fact about me is that I used to do Figure Skating when I was a kid!

Zebra Centre